Monday, October 30, 2006

28/10 - 06

I found a couple of things I can stand about China.. but for now I'm just trying to accept it, cope with it, fight against it or ignore it :o)
Don't like stand up toilets and never will... And why do I have to bring my own toilet paper when I go to a public bathroom and in fact most of the restaurants as well... Damn that...
I'm getting used to the some times impolite attitude you get when you need help in a store... even when I have had chinese company I experienced an ignorence and a lack of willingness to help... but hi you learn a lot about culture, understanding and being persistant.
This morning I woke up 6 hours too early (compared to the time you get up when you have been out drinking the night before) because some construction workers had chosen this happy saturday morning around 0735 to start knocking, hammering, drilling and in general just making a lot of noise inside my building.. but hi... that's completely normal.. especially when they also do it on sundays, mondays.... Good dammit.... Got my land lord to write a note to the security in chinese telling them to shut down the power in the building when the construction workers starts working too early (they are not allow to)

Nice roomies I have. We enjoy watching a movie together and jest have a pleasant time.

This night I went with my friend Mark to an art gallery called island 6. It is such a cool place. It is an old house on a protected field in the middle of all the skyscrapers. After viewing the art exhibition ( we hooked up with Mark's friends Sebastian, his girlfriend Anita and b6, both DJs at the disco fabrique.

Mark is creating a really cool website called: like a local ( which is basically a website where you can locate all the cheap good restaurants in Shanghai. Later on it will also cover accommodation and how to get a bike for instance.
when I went home we went to get some food but his usual supplier wasn't at the streetcorner so all he did was to call them up and after 5 minutes two girls, and trolley loaded with food and a stove were ready to serve a local baby...

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