Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My Chinese name.

I got a Chinese name:
rui si mu

it is chinese for:
睿(rui)思(si)睦(mu) : Wisdom & Thinking & Peace

Monday, October 30, 2006

31/10 - 06

Had my first posting today on confuciussays official website.
Am writing about marketing here so check out www.confuciussays.cc
Don't forget to read the whole article. Already know what my next piece will be about but too early to tell you..

As part of my job here we have decided that I shall lead the new morning meetings everyday from 0930-10 which started today. We were creating some drawings of each other in order to learn how to look differently at things and sometimes more detailed. After that we spoke about Watsons which is a potential client of ours.
So i'm prety satisfied.

Finally got the new battery for my computer Able has send me.. and my webcam is up and running...

30/10 - 06

Had my second chinese lesson today in a nice park (which I can now say in chinese but not spell)
Went out with Alex to buy a webcam and 26 new dvds....

29/10 - 06

Going to the supermarket here i quite an experience... so many products, 99% in chinese and out of the food products I can probably guess the content of about 2%...
But hi I got water, soda, carrots, bread, shampoo and things like that. They laber here is so low that they can afford to have about 50 employees too many. That means that next to every single one of the shelves you have someone standing doing absolutely nothing waiting for a wierd costumer like me they can help.. funny how they have realized we can't talk.. so they just keep on daydreaming.

The evening I spent at Marty's. He was teaching us 42below cocktails. Next saturday we have a promotion party where I will be mixing these nice cocktails all night.
One of the other bartenders Jake and I went for a snack before we went home. We ended up at this typical chinese place where we ordered 4 different big dishes for 100 rmb which is expensive here but compared to DK it is still very cheap. It is redicules how much waste food you get when you just order away cause you wwanna try different things.
I eat lunch with the company everyday and fortunately they know how much we'll be able to eat so we will still order many different things but we will hardly waste anything.
I love here how you share everything... just pick what you like from the bowls with your chop sticks and start eating.. :o)

28/10 - 06

I found a couple of things I can stand about China.. but for now I'm just trying to accept it, cope with it, fight against it or ignore it :o)
Don't like stand up toilets and never will... And why do I have to bring my own toilet paper when I go to a public bathroom and in fact most of the restaurants as well... Damn that...
I'm getting used to the some times impolite attitude you get when you need help in a store... even when I have had chinese company I experienced an ignorence and a lack of willingness to help... but hi you learn a lot about culture, understanding and being persistant.
This morning I woke up 6 hours too early (compared to the time you get up when you have been out drinking the night before) because some construction workers had chosen this happy saturday morning around 0735 to start knocking, hammering, drilling and in general just making a lot of noise inside my building.. but hi... that's completely normal.. especially when they also do it on sundays, mondays.... Good dammit.... Got my land lord to write a note to the security in chinese telling them to shut down the power in the building when the construction workers starts working too early (they are not allow to)

Nice roomies I have. We enjoy watching a movie together and jest have a pleasant time.

This night I went with my friend Mark to an art gallery called island 6. It is such a cool place. It is an old house on a protected field in the middle of all the skyscrapers. After viewing the art exhibition (www.island6.org) we hooked up with Mark's friends Sebastian, his girlfriend Anita and b6, both DJs at the disco fabrique.

Mark is creating a really cool website called: like a local (www.likealocal.cn) which is basically a website where you can locate all the cheap good restaurants in Shanghai. Later on it will also cover accommodation and how to get a bike for instance.
when I went home we went to get some food but his usual supplier wasn't at the streetcorner so all he did was to call them up and after 5 minutes two girls, and trolley loaded with food and a stove were ready to serve us...like a local baby...

27/10 - 06

Today I had arranged a meeting with Peppes pizza.
It is a big Norwegian brand which has just recently opened their two first stores in China.
The meeting went very well. Phil and I spoke to Ørjan from Peppes pizza who is a very nice norwegian man. And we got to taste the pizzas before we left. We presented our approach and some of our ideas and from now the next step is for me to finish a proposal Ørjan can look at to consider if we can enter some form of coorporation.

I took a long walk to get back home that afternoon.
One of the first days here I was in a huge shopping mall where I saw loads of interesting, trendy VERY typical Chinese brands like... dyrberg & kern, vero moda, only and Bang & olufson...
this afternoon I found bo concept. Wierd to walk in to a store for a danish brand without finding a single person able to speak danish... or at least english...

A few days earlier I had called the Danish ambasy here in Shanghai to see if I could get a hold on some dane.. I reached Christina who brought me along for a wonderful evening with about ten danes. We went to the JW Mariott hotel for martini night where you get free martinis 2 hours for 100rmb/70dkkr/12dollars.
We went on to all the other high profile places in Shanghai. We ate at a rooftop restaurant called height and than we went to a really posh place called the glamour bar where you off course can get 42below in the bar.
Construction work around Shanghai.

Shanghai by night.

This is my entrance to the metro in Xujiahui.
Takes me 5 minutes to get from my home to the entrance and another 5 minutes to get from the the entrance to the train underground walking with a fast pace...
My favorite dish..kong bao ji ding. Might not look as appealing on the photo but it is damn good.

Alex and I went around town to get a couple of things I needed.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Work task today... To get two whiteboards for the office in order to start visualizing the different ideas, concepts and network.
One of my tasks here is to look at the internal communication flow and come up with ideas for how to implement a continuous great communication while expanding.

I met with my friend Alexbluto for a walk around people's square. He helped me get some different electronic things I need here.
We had a great time.. He is really good at bargaining. Even though I'm good at it the start price will always be higher when it is a foreign person bargaining than when it is a local chinese person.

Snakes on a plane...

Enough is enough.
I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane.
Check the coolest b-movie...

Scams? 25/10 - 06

I got a little paranoid today when three girls started to talk to me on the street. At first they sounded really nice. They said they were art students from Beeijing and asked me lots of wquestions. The suspect part was when they wanted to show me their work and they wnated me to follow them to an alley. Knowing what I carry in my pockets I don't wanna lose I said that I didn't have the time and they got really persistent wanted me to come along for only 2 minutes and suddenly they were only staying in Shanghai for one day instead of the whole week at they started out telling me. But then agin.. could just be me...

First chinese lesson 25/10 - 06

Today I had my first chinese lesson since I arrived China. Cindy is my teacher and she is excellent. I will have my next lesson this upcoming monday. By now I know really basic stuff with no ice in my coke as the most important.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Food Court 25/10 - 06

Today I had dinner at my local food court in Xujiahui.
They don't speak english so it is a lot of pointing for me. After a couple of misunderstandings I figured out that you have to go to a register first to buy a debit card. You put the amount of money on the card you reckon you are going to spend and when you are done spending you'll go back to the same register to get leftover money back.
The different small shops have fixed prices on what you buy so the woman who served me looked at me like I was a complete loco when I said no more food on my plate (knowing how much I could eat) because she knew that I had already paid for more than what she was giving me. ( Fun..how she should have been happy for earning extra money instead..)

EF 25/10 -06

Today I went to EF here in Shanghai.
The EF school here in Shanghai is very different from the school I attended in LA 6 years ago.
In LA we had classes during the day time everyday and had lots of spare-time activities in the weekends. Here it is more minded on learning business english after working hours. So the students here usually come in in the afternoons and the weekends.
I spoke to some nice teachers in my search for expanding my network here in Shanghai.
I'm going back to the school this saturday to see if I can meet some nice students as well.

Massage 24/10 - 06

The massage experience.
Well having to carry a backpack everyday and getting tense from eating with a pair of chopsticks(still fell a little like virgin eventhough I got some great compliments from my chinese friend the other day when she asked me how long I had used a pair of chop stick and I replied actually only this week. She said I was doing f...ing fantastic.) have probably made my shoulders hurt a little.. So I decided to get a one hour massage...
All I can say is that.. God dammit they put a lot of pressure on your back when they massage you.. Pure pain..haha and I'm still sore now two days afterwards...

What the hell is Para Para? 24/10 - 06

What the hell is Para Para?
Is it a traditional dance?
Is it a pharmaceutical product?
Is it a Huge gym?
Is it some medical treatment
Stay tuned here and on www.Confuciussays.cc to get the answer...

Work 24/10 - 06

After work today I had dinner with my mentor and boss Phil to map my challenges and work opportunities while I'm staying at ConfuciusSays. www.Confuciussays.cc
We located 4 areas where I can benefit and figured out the first step and the approach.
There a lot of interesting things to do here and what ever I do I know I will learn a lot and create something useful along the way.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Picture time! 23/10-06

So let me first tell you what I have done today.
Today I attended the board meeting with my company and their invester they flew directly in from New Zealand. This meeting helped me getting a better understanding of the direction the company is moving.
After that we had dinner with the former prime minister of New Zealand. And I must say she is a very competent lady who knows a lot of social innovation, cultural diversity and sustainability...

Here are a couple of pictures from the first week here in shanghai.

The night I arrived the guys took me to a very nice bar/ restaurant

This is the grand theater. It was located right next to my hostel I lived in the first 4 days.

Than I moved and now I have a garden. Nice chinese style I can see from my bedroom window.

Which brand are they trying to copy...hehe....

As I wrote earlier I had a very pleasant visit at the hairdresser but he didn't know anything about styling hair and as a result of that I ended up with this US army haircut.

This is my room.

And my living room

these are the not fake rebook shoes I bought...

This is Marty. he represents 42below here in shanghai. The picture is from the party last saturday..

Phil and I from the same party...trying to look drunk or...?

Alexbluto and I went to the art museum.

That is also where I met my new girlfriend.. . I forgot to get her name...

This is xujiahui. That's the area I live.

It is a really cool area with so many shops and huge shopping malls.. US go home.. And off course MC.D here is 24 hours..haha

Sunday, October 22, 2006

MC.D 22/10-06

A couple of days ago I was eating at MC.D ( big surprise). Here I ran into Alexbluto a very nice chinese guy. He works at a very nice rooftop restaurant called Kathleen's 5 on top of the national art museum.
Today we met to walk around town. He took me to see his work and than we went through the backdoor into the art museum. Interesting experience.. They had some really different pieces from what you would expect.. Yes I know you are waiting for the pictures to show it :o)
Off course we had to celebrate becoming friends by going back to MC.D where we first met.. We ended up taking the bus to tung ji university, a very nice international university. We got some nice traditional chinese food.. off course I got kung pao ji ding.. Fun how i'm just spelling everything in chinese without knowing if it is right or not..haha
Outside campus we went to a little dvd shop so now I own all the latest movies. I mean the ones they show in DK's cinemas at the moment.. How nice!! and I got 14 dvd for 65 danish Kroner or 11 us dollars..

Fresh free and fly 21/10-06

So I moved in..nice!!
Today I went around town with my personal assistant Kello. Actually she is not but with all the help she has given me it sure fells like that.
I bought a pillow.. sure need that when I go to sleep.. A new cell phone.. So please do text me on my danish number and I will reply from my new chinese cell with a chinese number.. that is cheeper for me and unfortunately I cannot receive messages from DK on that chinese number..
Got a new pair of shoes..not fake.. I know.. sounds unbelievable.. however it is true.. they are made in indonesia along with the rest though... haha
Kello went with me to a hairdresser.. thanks to her I got the haircut I wanted..It was a very nice treatment the gave me so I decided to let them try to style my hair as well. Very funny.. After 15 years of using wax I know I it looks good on me.. and it is not a completely...oohh that tree looks dead look.. and not styled like an american army idiot... lol. But what the heck it was fun and i changed it anyway later.. Soon I'll show you some pictures!

The evening I spent at Ben's house celebrating his birthday with lots of 42below vodka.. and now finally I can say I have tried all five flavors.. many times..hehe
The pure vodka is nice for the ordinary drinks you know.. On top of that they have 4 other nice flavores.. kiwi, passion fruit, manuka honey and feijoa.. I like the fruit flavors a lot.. hehe.. who said that that would make me drink more..lol
The plan is to bring some bottles with me home!

Now with Apartment - 20/10-06

Today I decided on which apartment I wanted... I move in tomorrow. Nice and easy. Yesterday Kello was so nice to take me around town to see 4 different apartments.
Actually it wasn't hard calling the land-lords but when the time came where I should have the address it was too difficult. They could hardly explain me the way in english and I wouldn't know which way to go anyway... Thanks Kello for helping me!
The apartment I chose is 40 minutes away from work but still in what they here call downtown (so is my work)
It is a very nice new apartment I will have to share with to and italian girl Elisa an italien guy Mozart and a girl from Chile Denise.

Kung pao ji ding... is becoming my favorite dish here. With rice and coke.. :o) It is chicken and peanuts in some kind of sauce.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Peanut chop stick test

Yesterday I nailed the chop stick test. Second time using a pair of chop sticks here in China I managed to pick up 2 peanuts placed next to each other on a plate. Children... do not try this at home!

Finally Shanghai..... Wednesday 18 oct - thursday 19 oct

Shanghai rules..

Wed 18/10
I arrived Shanghai yesterday in the afternoon and went on the maglev which is a train on air that runs with no less than 431 k/h
which is pretty damn fast..
From the station I found a taxa which took me to ConfuciusSays's nice office space in the middle of Shanghai.
Here I was welcomed by 4 really cool persons: Phil, Ben, Marty and Kello.
I checked in to a very nice hostel not far from the office.
In the evening I went out for dinner with Phil and his wife Betina.
It is an experience taking a taxa when you don't speak the language so I carry the addresses for where I'm going on a piece of paper..
Atleast I know I live close to the ming tian quang chang tower... Hope that was spelled right. xie xie means thanks so I have learned a littled by now.
The guys have really made me fell welcome here which is so cool.
It felt crazy walking home from the restaurant last night with halfway no clue if the direction was right, couldn't speak the language and I kept thinking here only lives 20 million people... :o)

Thurs 19/10
Today I came in late to the office after trying to get rid of my small jetlag which really hasn't been bad at all.
It took a while before I was connected to the internet but now when that works I find myself behind my own disk with my laptop ready to contribute!
kong pao chicken (or how you spell it) is a really good dish here. Couldn't resist going to MC.D today. Tasted like in DK.
In the evening we went to a nice bar to talk to the manager about carrying 42 Below.
42 below is a very nice vodka brand I will get a good chance to really taste saturday when Ben is having his birthday party.
Here I work for ConfuciusSays (www.confuciussays.cc) They are helping 42 below (42below.com) becoming a big on the chinese market.
I have a real exciting time ahead of me.