Actuall I have a tracking device now that can tell me how many visitors I have on my website and where in the world they are entering it from... So keep looking at it!!
Tomorrow my parents and my brother will arrive. That is going to be very nice!
Here is an update from last week here.
I found a place to play arcade games and I just love Metal slug so I spent a couple of hours completing Metal slug 4. Besides that I prepared some work and watched a movie.
What's better than spending a saturday night with your friends at a japanese all you can eat and drink restaurant...
I just fu..... love saké

We ended up at the funniest bar ever. I never in my life seen so many ugly european men hooking up with chinese girls. You could close your eyes, spin around, point and than handpick them... haha. Picture this: white tennis socks, boring jeans, beer belly, long ugly black beard, lousy old t'shirt and geeky glasses. That's the recipe of one of the most popular guys at the bar. When he left the bar the girl he was kissing stayed to my surprise.. but when he entered the taxi he was accompanied by another chinese girl... fun what money can buy... haha.
Today I went out to clean up the venue.
I must say that that 42Below vodka is going to kill me...haha. It is so good.. You don't put around 25% alcohol in your put 75% alcohol in the drinks instead and the funny thing is you can't taste it...
We started at 09 in the morning with getting ready for the party.
The venue was Island 6 the beautiful art gallery.
Our bar

Anita And I. Sebastian was in Beijing but his girlfriend Anita showed up.


Shaking cocktails

I had invited all my flatmates. Alessio came along as well.

Andreas was also present at the party. This picture is taken outsite the venue on the way home. Phil, Ben, Marty, Andreas, Anita and I.

Party preparation day
We made unique cards (creditcard size) for all of the guests and had them delivered by courier the next day.
Long day at work. One of the machines for making the cards broke down and we weren't finished before ten at night. But damn they look really prof.
Had a massage today at a place where only blind people work... They should be very good at massaging and rumor has it that places where people can actually see are more likely to offer you a happy ending...haha and I only needed a maasage...
I have bought three copies of the new 007 movie but two copies only had russian sound and one version was the old flick in a new cover so I still need to see it..
Had chinese with Cindy
Got a haircut... Off course I had to visit Para Para to see what they were about.

Met Alex for dinner afterwards. We ate at a nice local Chinese restaurant.
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