Sunday, November 12, 2006

7/11 - 06..and not the convenience store..

Shoe polishing:
today I had my shoes polished... well I didn't need it but a guy stopped me on the street and put shoe polisher on my shoes before I could stop him. Than he followed me untill I stopped and he pretended he would take it of but instead he finished polishing my shoes and than he wanted money. He asked for an outrageous amount and I ended up paying him a small amount just to get rid of him.. shouldn't have paid him though..

Here in china at all the major intersections they have a traffic guard standing at every corner making sure that pedestrians stay on the sidewalk until they have a green light. It is pretty funny to see these traffic guards blowing thier whistles shouting at people.

What I learned here is that sometimes when you bargain for the prices as a foreign you should probably pay about half of the amount they start out asking for. so today I got a really cool pair of good quality jeans for the price of 110rnb / 82kr which is still a little too much to pay..if you go the right places.

I'm so fat up with all the noise coming from the apartment upstairs.

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