Tuesday we had another workshop with Kao on innovation and we are currently working with him on his innovation toolbox.
Wednesday we worked on the project for the whole day. We have decided on creating a workshop with dinner and dialogue around nourishment for life and sustainability in the society and in businesses and organizations. It will be an experimental workshop where the participants don't know each other and we will challenge them. they will end up documenting them self and their outcome.
We worked at the cross roads cafe. It is a place where they only hire people who has been to jail in the past and who are currently trying to get on the right track again.

In the evening Jo, Henrik, Emil and I went to a local commedy club. It was so BAD. It wasn't funny at all. So don't ever go to mason lounge on mason 50. They acted like they didn't give a shit about anything in a depressive way and at the same time they complained that we weren't laughing... My dead dog tells better jokes...
Thursday we went to meet Habibullah Faizi. that was the guy I met on the airplane from France to Frisco. He showed us around his work.

Faizi works at PCC. They make parts for airplane engines. He is responsible for the finished product. He is doing a really great job. So far non of his engineparts have been in an airplane crash..
He showed us how they start out by making the part the need in wax. After that they put sand on top of that till it is hard. Than they melt out the wax and than it isw ready. Than you put metal in it instead and take of the sand. Now they check part with UV lights and they take Xrays of the part and if it has any flaws they can se it and fix it. In the end it has to be flawless.
The process for producing a new part is 1 year and when the motor is ready the airplane company will test it for 10.000 hours/8 hours a day for 5 years. Talking about a company who will have to be visionary.
Friday we continued working on the project.
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