I went to visit Dominiquemy old EF teacher in San diego.
We went to her work which is an american language school

We went to an international happy hour where you get to meet alot of international people from San diego

Getting ready for the San Paddy's day with a party at the irish bar

Meeting Dom's mom and a little bit of livingroom singing

We drove around in this nice car... with the top down...

Going to chili's... haven't been there in 6 years but still very nice! And I got lots of ranch, nam nam.

finally celebrating the Irish.... Lots of fun with Irish music and dans music. The whole city danced....

Saturday I went to meet Jen and Josh. Jen was my friend back at CSUN

Now she has her own company helping dogs get dressed...lol

Saturday night we went out with Zindy, Jen's sister.

Sunday I met Philipp. We went to EF. It all looked the same but it was so cool walking around CSUN again.

We went to the fashion mall and here we found a car with balls....

Before leaving LA we passed the premiere for ice age 2.

Greyhound sucks...
It was my first time and it WILL be my last. I was at the station at 10pm at got on the bus around 1.15am and I was back here in SF at 1130 in the morning... So not a nice trip...