Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Having my brother here.

Have been really busy these days having my brother here and finishing work before I go home to Denmark.
A little update on my life:

One week till I return to DK.
I have ordered a ticket to Hong Kong on saturday. I look forward to coming home... sick of chinese people these days (except Kello and Alex)
So a little vacation in Hong kong will be nice.

Had a lot to do at work today with printing invitations for the party the upcoming friday. Met my brother for dinner before he returned to Denmark.
met a very nice taxi driver who wanted me to call him every time I needed to go somewhere... VIP :o) He dropped me off and came back 2 hours later to pick up my brother.

Halfway to Xmas and I still hardly see any xmas things here.
My brother and I went to Pudong to see the century park where they have a lot of sculpture cut out from bushes and plants. Very nice.

Went for dinner with my flat-mates and Alex before heading to windows for a couple of drinks.

Today we went to see the underground tunnels in beijing. over 10 years the dogged a tunnel system big enough to evacuate 5 million people in a few hours.
Today you can only get access to a very limited area.
We went to another big marked before jumping on a plane returning to Shanghai.

1675 steps up the great chinese wall. That's how many we ran down in 15 minutes leaving my legs sore for bout a week afterwards. We took a tour to Badaling to see the wall. It was really cool. I have heard a lot of stories about to many tourist at that spot but guess it was our luck coming outside season and in the middle of the day.

The tour also took us to two jade factories and a temple. Quit funny to get to a temple so early in the morning that we were the only tourist at the place. And probably the only hangover tourist that day... :o)
Our guide told us to tell the guys at the jade factory that we were non students from America in order to be able to get out of the factory a little earlier. Her contract states a 40 minutes visit for non americans and only a 30 minutes visit for americans. And the jade factory wouldn't sign it if we were students. So today I learned that ALL americans have loads of money and students are very poor and that they would never buy anything... who said stereotyping?
We ended the tour at a tee house where we got to taste 5 different, not very good, but typical chinese tees.
Ended the evening next to the lake where you find a lot of bars.

Top Ten of most heard words in China
You need lady bar
looke looke (look look)
cheap cheap
no joking price
hello shoes
hello watch
watch, bag, shoes, t-shirts
I'm student here, we have very nice art exhibition
shoe shine okay
what do you want to buy, tell me

I have probably forgotten a few... but more will come

Saturday in Beijing. We went to the forbidden city and the famous square Tian amen.

Later we ended up at a huge marked with lots of fake stuff...haha but also a lot of nice things in really good quality. In a danish guide book I once read that a good bargain should end up with both parties being satisfied... such bullshit. Here in China you know that the price is reasonable when the salesman gets a little angry. in the end you know they will never sell anything here without making money.
Off course I had to visit the Hard Rock café to buy a glass for my collection at home.
We ended the evening at club Mix.. :o) 24 danish kroner for a Breezer is not cheap here but compared to DK it is quit ok so off course we ended up buying "a few". Here it is prestige to drink Chivas Regal (12years) with green tee. I saw about a hundred chivas bottles on the different tables around the huge nightclub. The funny thing is that around 3am I saw the waiters returning some of the green tee when the chinese left to go home.

After work I met with my brother and we took of to Beijing.
Kello had sorted out a really nice hostel in the hart of Beijing.

After work I met my brother and Alexbluto. We went to get a haircut, 1 hour full treatment with massage for only 25 danish kroner...
I found a charger for my camera.
We were going to go out but the evening ended very abruptly with some very sad news from home.

Last day with my parents. I went to work before meeting up for dinner. After dinner we went back to the hostel where I repacked their suitcases to fit all the things I wanted them to bring back for me. Fortunately we found room for 4 bottles of 42below vodka. After adding them to the luggage I had two kilos to play around with. Knowing I had 15 kilos I wanted them to bring that was a little challenge. I only returned with 6 kilos after adding a little to their handbags and this without going over the weight limit.
In the evening I took my brother who is spending an additional week in Shanghai to logo bar to meet Sebastian and Anita.

Today we went to a big aquarium in pudong. Lots of nice fish.

Took my parents to my next door really nice japanese all you can eat restaurant. We got "a little" sake drunk. After sending my parents home the party continued in our apartment where we played really loud music (payback for all the hours the workers upstairs have kept us awake in the mornings)
We "stole" a nice chair from our building down stairs in the lobby. Quit funny when the guards came up next morning smiling asking us to return the chair.

Today we went to Suzhou.
It is a one hour train-ride north of Shanghai.
we had a really great day. When we arrived a guy tried to convince us to take his taxi telling us that here in suzhou; we don't cheat people so you my friend get good price, only 100 rmb for all 4 persons.(said with the local asian english accent) For 100 rmb you can basically drive through Shanghai which means that the garden we were heading to should be around an hour away. On our map it was around two blocks away. Given the normal taxi prices we like to spoil our self when we go somewhere. We get their faster, it is easier to find the places and it is soooo convenient and pleasant and paying 2,5 danish kroner for a taxi ride somewhere is affordable.. hehe. And ones again we were right.. We took a normal taxi and the price as we expected.. 10 rmb.
In Suzhou we ran into a very nice man. At first he seemed like the other Chinese people who just want money but it turned out he was a local tour guide helping people just to be nice.
He took us around for nearly 6 hours showing us all the good spots in town. In the end when he left us we had an hour before getting on the train back to Shanghai. He actually came back just to make sure we would make it to the train station. We gave him some money but at first he wouldn't take them.

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